Help Fund Young Women In Tech

We are helping put women back in the technology revolution they began 5100 years ago, when they invented writing, mathematics, engineering and architecture.

When you support Women Innovate Tech, you are not only helping put women in technology, but you are helping power the future of tech.

Women Innovate Tech Design & Development Fairs and Workshops

You'll also be an invited guest to our Women Innovate Tech design and innovation fairs and workshops, where our project products will be on full display, including some of the most revolutionary projects, such as...

  • Robots that walk without motors or electricity
  • Artificial intelligence app
  • Walking, talking store mannequins
  • Water-saving sprinkler that waters the exact shape of any lawn
  • Walking vehicles
  • ... and more!

Our GoFundMe gives you a way to helping women nurture technology for the good of our planet, our environment and our lives.

Help Fund Young Women In Tech GoFundMe Campaign

Your donation will help fund young women in tech. Get involved and donate money, time or office/industrial space today!