Women Innovate Tech @ Your Workplace: For Businesses & Organizations

Women Innovate Tech @ Your Workplace: For Businesses & Organizations

Women Innovate Tech


Women Innovate Tech Motivates, Educates & Trains Your Employees

Now you can help Women Innovate Tech provide motivational, educational and training experiences to your employees at your business or organization campus. Our Women Innovate Tech @ Your Workplace is available to businesses and organizations nationwide.

Great for both your female and male employees. Our live Women Innovate Tech @ Your Workplace events help support your diversity & inclusion and sensitivity initiatives, to help you foster an inclusive culture and improve team engagement. It's never been more essential to build a supportive workplace culture.

For both your female and male employees, Women Innovate Tech @ Your Workplace provides a unique experience...

  • Educate - To educate your employees with the knowledge how and why women invented writing technology for business communications, bookkeeping & accounting, engineering & architecture, business recordkeeping & reporting (the hieroglyphic word matet means "to report, to make clear") 
  • Motivate - To motivate your employees, both female and male, that they can equally achieve
  • Training - To train your employees in the basics of innovation

Books, Video Games, Reading Sessions & Prizes

Your employees will receive books, video game apps, and other items that relate directly to women's invention of writing and ancient Egyptian civilization, product development and more.

And special read-along sessions will engage your employees as they read along with volunteers in the special ReadAlong Together Live! sessions. Volunteers will read to employees, listen to employees read, and discuss what was read, including the Amazon book all employee attendees will receive a print copy of, "The Women Who Invented Writing and Ancient Egyptian Civilization."

Special prizes will also be given out to your employees during the events.

Ground-Breaking Projects on Display

At the Women Innovate Tech @ Your Workplace events, we'll put on display numerous products of our projects to help motivate your employees in whatever role they play in your company, including...

  • The world's only robot that walks without motors or electricity
  • A 9' tall walking vehicle, which was utilized for the ExoSquad animated TV series,
  • An intelligent sprinkler, which helps conserve water and waters the exact shape of any lawn
  • A pocket meal weight scale that helps keep away-from-home meal portions at 6.5 ounces to reduce overeating and diabetes risk
  • A clear-skin system to reduce or eliminate the rashes associated with psoriasis
  • and more...

Our product displays will show how anybody can innovate technology products and solutions, with employees receiving a special book written so they can understand the mechanics of the innovation. A special teacher's guide is also available for your educators and trainers.

Motivational Speakers

Motivational speakers at the Women Innovate Tech @ Your Workplace will help motivate and inspire your female and male employees that they can equally succeed in their chosen career choose, no matter their gender.

Hourly, Daylong or Weeklong Flexible Event Schedule

Whether you would like Women Innovate Tech @ Your Workplace for several hours, for an entire day, weekend or even a weeklong schedule, we can customize a Women Innovate Tech at Your Workplace event at your business or organization campus, wherever you are nationwide. 

Call us so we can schedule a Women Innovate Tech @ Your Workplace event at your business or organization campus today, at (310) 242-5765.